We specialize in providing top-notch on-location photography services across Toronto, the GTA, and throughout Canada. Our commitment is to deliver exceptional imagery that truly captures the essence of your business or brand, no matter where you’re located. Whether you’re looking to showcase your team, promote your products, or enhance your corporate image, our expert photographers come directly to your site, ensuring a seamless and convenient experience.

By choosing our on-location photography services, you benefit from the flexibility of having your photoshoot at your preferred location. This allows us to tailor the setting to fit your brand’s unique style and needs. From bustling office spaces to serene outdoor environments, we adapt our approach to create stunning visuals that reflect the true character of your business.

Based in Toronto, Sku Studio is well-positioned to serve clients throughout the Greater Toronto Area and beyond. Our dedicated team is passionate about delivering high-quality photography that stands out and supports your business goals. Trust us to provide a professional and personalized experience that brings your vision to life, all while keeping the convenience of on-location sessions at the forefront.

We’ve worked with several organizations & businesses across sectors like
Educational Institutions,
Law firms,
Tech Startups,
Food & Beverage industry,
Packaged food industry,
Cannabis industry

We’ve got the technical skills and the people skills to photograph your business in a way that authentically communicates the ethos of your brand.

Show people what “a day in the life of” your business looks like!

FAQs about Lifestyle Photography

What is on-location photography?

On-location photography refers to taking photos at a specific site chosen by you, rather than in a studio. This could be your office, a client’s location, or any setting that fits your brand’s needs. By choosing this service, you can showcase your business environment or capture real-life scenarios.

Why should I choose on-location photography?

To maintain authenticity, we immerse ourselves in the environment and allow moments to unfold naturally. We work closely with you to understand your vision and incorporate elements that reflect genuine interactions and settings, ensuring that the final images feel both natural and engaging.

Choosing on-location photography is crucial for showcasing how your business operates and providing an authentic view of your services. For educational institutions, restaurants, and brick-and-mortar businesses, capturing photos right at your location offers potential customers a genuine glimpse into your environment and daily operations. This approach helps build trust and credibility by presenting your business in its natural setting, whether it’s a bustling classroom, a vibrant restaurant kitchen, or a well-organized retail space. By highlighting the actual space where you conduct business, you create a more relatable and engaging experience for your audience.

What is the on-location photography process?

The process begins with a consultation to understand your vision and the specifics of your location. A professional photographer then arrives at your chosen site with all necessary equipment to capture the images. This setup ensures that the final photos reflect your brand’s character and the ambiance of your space.

Can on-location photography be done outdoors?

Yes, on-location photography can be done outdoors as well as indoors. Whether you’re looking to capture the vibrant energy of a Toronto street or a serene outdoor setting in the GTA, professional photographers can adapt to various environments. Outdoor shoots may require additional planning to account for natural lighting and weather conditions.

How should I prepare for an on-location photoshoot? How long will it take?

Preparation involves ensuring that the chosen location is clean and organized to make the most of the photoshoot. Communicate any specific ideas or requirements to your photographer beforehand to ensure everything aligns with your vision.
The duration of your session will be determined by how many photographs you need and the nature of your business.
Estimate a minimum of 120 mins for your session.

Want gorgeous On-location photography like this for your brand?
Get in touch!

Fill in this form (takes less than 2 mins!) and we’ll get back to you with a customized estimate.

Let’s hop on a call for a quick consult and discuss how we can grow your business!

Not sure what you’re looking for? Have a burning question? Ask us anything!